Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kindle 3G, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, White, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology

Kindle 3G, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, White, 6" Display with N…
Kindle 3G, Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, White, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology by Irene(Ind)
I researched the acquisition of a Kindle for a long time. I could not pick whether or not it was worth purchasing a dedicated e-reader. Boy am I glad I made this purchase. The downside to Amazon's online selling of Kindle three is that the customers don't get to see it in person. It is much better in person. This may sound dull, but when I got my new Kindle, I thought there was a stuck-on overlay on the screen containing a diagram of the unit's buttons, etc. I actually tried to peel it off. Doh! The e-ink on this unit is THAT lovely. I didn't recognize that I was one time staring at the actual display. I also didn't recognize that no power is necessary until the display changes. (thus the great battery life) I do lots of reading, but was facing the prospect of reading less or purchasing large type books because of my variable & deteriorating eyesight. The new Kindle has been a godsend. Now, I can pick the size of type I need depending on my level of fatigue among other things. The weight & ergonomics are excellent. For somebody, like me, with neuropathy in his hands, it is simple to manage & enjoyable to own. To me, it is simpler to read than print books. The ease of navigation is great as is the speed. The battery life, so far, has been strange. It basically connected to our home Wi-Fi, which by design does not broadcast an SSID. It downloads books so fast that I  thought they were not received. I did not buy the 3G version because of the cost difference & the fact that there is no coverage where I live. In the event you are not constantly travelling, I don't see the necessity to spend the additional bucks, but that is a matter of personal choice. For those who have no Wi-Fi at home, keep in mind that you can always download the material to your computer & transfer it by USB. today I was one time watching an interview with Tony Blair on TV. They was speaking about his new book, which sounded fascinating. I picked up the Kindle & downloaded a free sample before the interview was over. I have only read the preface so far, but will probably buy the book. Now THAT is a great way to buy a book! I haven't used online browsing extensively yet, but find it reasonable for what the device is. This is primarily a book reader, not a laptop computer or laptop. They are great for what they do, but cannot match the e-ink display, or the light weight. For those of you worrying about the wait for the new Kindle, let me finish with, "It is worth the wait" This new Kindle is all about the quality of experience. There's lots of format choices for electronic reading. In the event you need the best experience, go with the Kindle.

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